MARKit this weekend

-a big thank you to lovely Miranda Tay for the squirrels @ MARKit shout-out* in last Sunday's Age-

(*note to self - need flatbed scanner!)

-we're pretty excited to be included in the line-up at MARKit this Sunday - we'll be at stall 33 in the atrium with a bunch of very talented peeps, including (just in our little section) Beci Orpin , Sunday Morning Designs, Lola & Bailey and Wah Wah Wears - quite chuffed to be thrown in with such a talented and frankly, pretty cute bunch.

MARKit opens at Fed Square atrium this Sunday July 11th from 10am till 5pm - we'd love you to come by and say hello.

( there's also tim burton expo at fed square acmi if the queue's not too long!  )

Have great weekend x